Friday, August 27, 2010

Gangs, useless with out the trade of drugs.

LMF, a term that must be made up.

I will now use it in a sentence.

"Prohibition of drugs to oust gangs and their resources is an LMF."

Can you guess?

Logic Mind Flop. That's right I said it. Think of it as a face palm for big time ideas that function in complete flaw due to void of logic thought. You can bet the War on Terror is not so far off.

Yup... With out a shadow of doubt, the reason why gangs are as powerful as they are is because of the drugs.

All one has to do is ponder the astronomical money pharmaceutical companies waltz away with, while lobbying against everything that is 'anti-script'.

It's the same thing with gangs. They have a product that is possibly the thing most highest in demand next to oil. We put all these fences up, tell people no more illegal stuff, just the stuff Doctors and health professionals recommend.

Lets see here the main argument against drugs is what?

They threaten 'our' health and 'our' well being. And most of all 'they' breed gangs. It is 'us' they are looking out for.

If only the whole world could take at least one inhale off a marijuana cigarette and see, it is no way even close as devastating to both your well being and health than the demon that is alcohol.

How come they spend the most amount of money on the restriction and seizure of marijuana? What is it about a silly plant that they are sooo scared of. What is it that 'we' should be terrified of?

Its the world of double standards folks. 'This is okay, but this is not. Okay?'

I have seen friends get addicted to prescription drugs, and it is very disturbing to say the least when you watch Oxycontin ruin someones life and their identity. These are pills that doctors suggest in cases of severe pain or chronic pain.

So you have to think, if we allow people to ingest a liquid that could lead you to an event like getting in a multi car crash and kill a whole family on their way from a Sunday night dinner, all because of a legal substance. People can ingest a few whiskeys and beat their wife with out reason, with no question of the harms of alcohol versus any of the other illegal drugs? If pharm companies are allowed to use nasty chemicals that alter our brains just as severely as many of the illegal drugs. Why is any mind altering substance illegal?

Oh yes and I could not have possibly mentioned, the amount of not just tobacco but the extra non essential chemicals they put into it? Hey were free right? We're allowed to kill our selves slowly day by day puff by puff. Well as long as it's the right plant. God forbid you smoke what you thought was one of your teenage sons 'cigarettes' only to be left on your couch questioning your whole life and everything around you, while for the first time you turned on the news you see the whole collapse of what you thought was real. Bah, who would ever permit the use of a plant that could open your mind to the entire world, and past the new LA crock of fodder.Nope, you gotta keep smoking the cigarettes or should I say Chemical sticks for 10$ a day.



And one more time...


Well my friends as sad as it is to say....
They are not good for the health and well being of who???





So you see ladies and gentlemen this has nothing to do with OUR HEALTH and OUR WELL BEING...

It is just the hands of the pharm in your feds chest pocket.

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