Here we are on this chilly September night, but it's okay for it is the eve of everything. The cold has always complimented what I think is tasteful for dare I say the word, style. It gives me an excuse to wear my cotton, button up the middle shirts. All of them being plaid, there is just something about them that comforts me immensely. I think it was all my time spent at the guardian, hang around a bunch of collars for long enough and you will be putting yours on extra tight. Though they kind of lack their eye catching factor with out the plaid. Don't get excited folks, that's all I got, I'm not exactly sensible when it comes to what you choose to hide your body with.
It was this afternoon I had an epiphany regarding Disney. In the smoke filled room I watched fantasia in quite a haze. Initially I did not expect the classic symbolism in the movies from the popular franchise ( or the franchise from the popular movies rather). However, from the first scene I felt as though there was a character in the film we just did not see. The one thing I remember reflecting upon, things just happened, in a retro nature sort of way. It was void of the criticism and laws of science, though the over whelming gesture that things which could not be explained, which was closely followed by a whirlwind of new questions for the displays had this tendency move quite rapidly. Which evidently resulted in the expression of my very thoughts I am writing now.
As humans and like most animals on this planet, we are curious. Very curious. I often think of the nature of things as being a scripted law for the universe its self. It would not be criminal to say that all the answers we seek are hidden in nature, would it?
We wake up day to day, playing a constant game of trivial pursuit with life. Sometimes asking the easy questions, some times answering the very hard ones. Though some days we ask useless questions and essentially waste some disk space. Some days however, we wake up and ask all the right questions and in return receive a barrage of answers with a Molotov cock tail of questions ready to spread like wild fire. But you must ask your self something, which I find my self only recently, asking every day.
Why is that everyday, you wake up and you are still you? To the very edge of your existence you remain your self, just learning along the way. I often ask my self, what in nature possessed some force to induce our complex multi-cell organism to remember almost everything, and somethings forever. When was the moment that we were first able to retain everything and adapt off your pure knowledge, not rely on evolutions slow process.
Then I thought about it, could the planet, or possibly even the universe have induced such a complex system. I mean us humans, we are not exactly your average super Nintendo. Our brains are more like super computers. And our actions, very unpredictable considering the 6.6 billion of us all think, say, do and act differently. We are the ultimate variable to all of this. Or at least that's I'm on the brink of concluding on.
School begins in just about 12 hours from now yet, it will be hours early that I will arrive on campus, with lines waiting for me in the hoards. Of course, the first day comes and I don't have my books, yet one of the few people I met in my orientation seems just as lost as my self, which is reassuring to say the least. It is better to be confused in a group rather then by your self I suppose. Sometimes the variable of just having another persons questions along with your own, can save you both a lot of time.
I am hopeful for these next few months may carry a heavy burden of work load and may pose a threat to the balance of all aspects in my life. I have had to get my act together before, yet this time it feels like there will be no need for double takes or 'too late' revelations. Yet the stress has seemed to kick in to high gear, I feel that I must work to just get some of the weight of my shoulders. The stuff that is malleable at least. No excuses, it's how you have to do things. If these body's are truly vehicles for the soul never let some do the driving, take your wheel by both hands and tell it where to go.
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