Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hello September. You are my favourite part of the cycle.

Autumn, the beautiful, warm and festive season. As much as spring is definitely the season of rebirth, our social cycles our set in the opposite season. A social consciousness reset, if you will.

I feel with every year gone by I gracefully watch the beautiful display of maple leaves that litter the streets around here in the GTA. That odd smell of wet yard waste and the constant radical waves of moisture in the atmosphere. Though, it is all while I am always at some new stand point, or milestone- reflecting the past and setting my goals. Though the season admirable visually, I recently have been pondering about how our very own social and economic cycles reset, or progress cyclically in this time of year.

We could start with the very preterm social cycle. Kindergarten or preschool.

This September, thousands upon thousands of children will enter their first class room. For them, they are so lost in all the things they don't have to worry about, they don't really take in the full picture, how wonderful and miraculous Autumn is. Though, they will all begin their little journeys of making friends and possibly developing the essential skills one needs to make it through the school system. At this point, most kids will have for the first time, been subjected to a social circle, that has no relation to their parents. For the first time it will be 'just them'. For some their will be the pre class anxiety and the classic

"I don't wanna go!" followed by a full flat on run to the front door with arms spread out and a back pack 10 feet behind. Though what I have eluded to is how it is the first of many Septembers that will resurrect those 'Pre-first day jitters'. Though some will embrace the first day and take full advantage of the not yet cemented bonds that will soon be made.

Now we can flash forward say 10 years or so. Lets just say, one takes those first few destined steps in to high school. Again, the 'pre-class jitters' enclose the anxious ones. The ones who fear discrimination could very well take on a new persona in a desperate attempt at a defense mechanism. And of course, the bonds yet to be made, and those who will exploit the ones void of wit. The ones not quick enough to make a bond, will be dust in the wind and most likely will even be an outcast of the geek squad come mid term. It is essential one prepares them selves, for the cycle moves quick both academically and socially. It is crucial that we bond our selves, find our group, and eventually...Find ones self. Another essential part of the cycle yet not exactly the relevant point.

High school, however is when bolts unlock, hinges creek and doors open up. Our social cycles become more than just friends, they become windows. Windows to the future, windows of what is possible, windows of ideas and windows to unimaginable dreams. In high school, it is upon our discovery of freedom that we begin to discover our selves. Though things have changed drastically, almost to the point, where we our forced to treat 17 year old like 5 year old children, giving lunch time detentions and threatening calls to their parents. Though teen spirit (the ultimate discovery of freedom) enthralls most to act with out regret, essentially making their own decisions. Acting free, with out care for judgment.

It is only years later, that those same grade nines become freshmen once again, though this time they have been permitted by the government as Adults. Again, the same jitters, although again we encounter the room full of open windows some with doors not too far off. As in these final years of your education, your social cycle has now been tightened both in ones personal and academic life.

It is now that I am once again ambushed by all the whirlwind of social cycles that I will endure in this most wonderful season, yet not take it all in to the fullest. Yet I can only drive down the old streets and be reminded of how the social cycle will always keep going. I will elaborate on this more... But I must be honest I am still brainstorming this concept.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Gangs, useless with out the trade of drugs.

LMF, a term that must be made up.

I will now use it in a sentence.

"Prohibition of drugs to oust gangs and their resources is an LMF."

Can you guess?

Logic Mind Flop. That's right I said it. Think of it as a face palm for big time ideas that function in complete flaw due to void of logic thought. You can bet the War on Terror is not so far off.

Yup... With out a shadow of doubt, the reason why gangs are as powerful as they are is because of the drugs.

All one has to do is ponder the astronomical money pharmaceutical companies waltz away with, while lobbying against everything that is 'anti-script'.

It's the same thing with gangs. They have a product that is possibly the thing most highest in demand next to oil. We put all these fences up, tell people no more illegal stuff, just the stuff Doctors and health professionals recommend.

Lets see here the main argument against drugs is what?

They threaten 'our' health and 'our' well being. And most of all 'they' breed gangs. It is 'us' they are looking out for.

If only the whole world could take at least one inhale off a marijuana cigarette and see, it is no way even close as devastating to both your well being and health than the demon that is alcohol.

How come they spend the most amount of money on the restriction and seizure of marijuana? What is it about a silly plant that they are sooo scared of. What is it that 'we' should be terrified of?

Its the world of double standards folks. 'This is okay, but this is not. Okay?'

I have seen friends get addicted to prescription drugs, and it is very disturbing to say the least when you watch Oxycontin ruin someones life and their identity. These are pills that doctors suggest in cases of severe pain or chronic pain.

So you have to think, if we allow people to ingest a liquid that could lead you to an event like getting in a multi car crash and kill a whole family on their way from a Sunday night dinner, all because of a legal substance. People can ingest a few whiskeys and beat their wife with out reason, with no question of the harms of alcohol versus any of the other illegal drugs? If pharm companies are allowed to use nasty chemicals that alter our brains just as severely as many of the illegal drugs. Why is any mind altering substance illegal?

Oh yes and I could not have possibly mentioned, the amount of not just tobacco but the extra non essential chemicals they put into it? Hey were free right? We're allowed to kill our selves slowly day by day puff by puff. Well as long as it's the right plant. God forbid you smoke what you thought was one of your teenage sons 'cigarettes' only to be left on your couch questioning your whole life and everything around you, while for the first time you turned on the news you see the whole collapse of what you thought was real. Bah, who would ever permit the use of a plant that could open your mind to the entire world, and past the new LA crock of fodder.Nope, you gotta keep smoking the cigarettes or should I say Chemical sticks for 10$ a day.



And one more time...


Well my friends as sad as it is to say....
They are not good for the health and well being of who???





So you see ladies and gentlemen this has nothing to do with OUR HEALTH and OUR WELL BEING...

It is just the hands of the pharm in your feds chest pocket.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time is truly money. Or do we have it all wrong?

It has been pretty much a whole month since writing on this new blog. My blogging habits gives the term of a blogger a bad name. Though I really treat this as a minor manifestation of my frustrations that I can pretty much feel good about after and at least in the sparse sense of actually doing something, after all I could be playing pretend war games that blanket events around us to the point of nearly drowning us in our own ignorance. But no it is now in the peak hours of the morning, and I am comfortably listening to jazz on my rather low bed. I enjoy jazz, probably no where near serious jazz fans, or as some one would say 'cool cats'. Though my appreciation for jazz stems from its lack for some sort of purpose or some true eternal meaning. I listen to this jazz station every now and then, with no real motive, no intention of ever remembering the song again. One thing I notice a lot about jazz and other genres that are essentially instrumental based, is the overwhelming ideas that come to my consciousness while brainstorming to the background of jazz. The creepy- yet settling feeling of security I when I drive home with the windows up and the jazz on high. Piano keys rolling fluently like waves and the bass slightly gesturing your ears with its dominant low key presence. Though this has nothing to do with smoked, shaded bars with cocktails around. It is in jazz this concept has befell me.

If there is one thing I can say about this summer is, I didn't party nearly as hard,(which is probably a good thing). If there was one thing I learned...
I do not wish to ever work for a logistics or production company or any form of distribution and transportation business. Sure there is money in it, hell where do you think all the immigrants head? There is jobs, though they are also the bottomless pit places on the planet. Were talking about places that will keep you in the lowest position for years and never recognize your efforts and dedication. A place where they see you struggle for your small chump change, full well knowing you have a family that relies on you, yet holds you back from full potential. A place where immigrants are taken advantage of, where people can work somewhere for a considerable amount of time only to see the higher job opportunity given to some pin head who is under qualified and does not comprehend the job.

Lest I forget.
Don't ever work hard for a ware house, for they will NEVER work hard you.